Friday, January 23, 2009

First blog...


Welcome to my first blog. I am sure there will be many typos, so sit back, ignore the mess and enjoy the ride.

I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time. I confess, I have piddled around in the Myspace blog a few times. I shared some funny stories, I vented and let off some steam and I blogged out of sheer boredom. But it didn't feel official and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it often enough to make it matter.

My life has become CRAZY BUSY in the last few months. Last Summer, I started realizing I wasn't where I wanted to be in my life. At age 36, I still had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up.... And well, I figured it was kinda time to make my mind up and do something. I decided to enroll in college again. I chose the Associate degree called Administrative Professional and Office Technology with an emphasis in Human Resources simply because it was the closest degree program I could find that I was comfortable with... I have basically been doing this for 15 years, I might as well get a degree in it and see if I can make some money at it. The first semester was a phenomenal experience. I made the Dean's List with a 3.75 GPA. I can't even remember making the Honor Roll in high school, so making the Dean's List was a huge accomplishment for me!

I am now two weeks into the second semester and all I can say so far is two down, 14 to go... This is going to be a rough one! I know college is meant to be hard and challenging, but with a full time job and a full time kid and being a full time student, it's so challenging that I am questioning my ability to follow through. Hence: the blog. Here you will read about my life (boring/insane as it may be) and hopefully you can share some laughs and possibly even provide some inspiration to me. I need it.


  1. Great start! I may not provide inspiration, but I'll provide all necessary laughs, be they dirty or clean. Yay! I know someone on blogger.

  2. I am so excited that you are blogging yeah for Krista! I can't wait to read all your blogs you post! You should check out my blogs when you have time. I am glad you took the blogger plunge..

  3. Thanks, Guys! I'm glad ya like it. I have sure been wanting to do a blog for a while. I don't ever have anything exciting to report, but it's gonna be fun, anyway. :)

  4. You have a full time job AND you are a full time student?? How in the world??
    If you go to my blog, there is a greenish rectangle in the upper left corner, click on that and you can find lots of free layouts.

  5. I have a full time job, a full time kid and I'm a full time student. And that's why it's 10PM on a Sunday night and I'm crying into my laptop because I have homework and I'm exhausted! Thanks for the info on the layouts! Now I just have to figure out how to work it. Hee hee heee.....
